

威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的地质学-水文地质学和水化学重点学士学位是为学生规划在地质学的职业生涯, 包括水文地质, 地球化学和环境地质学-或者计划在这些领域攻读研究生. 这个强大的项目目前符合1998年威斯康星州自然资源部对水文地质学家分类的学术要求.

整个综合专业的课程将为您在物理地质学等领域提供坚实的基础, 环境地质, and mineralogy and petrology, with a special emphasis on hydrogeology and water chemistry. Classes will explore topics like hydrogeologic field techniques, groundwater development and management, 水的法律, conservation of surface and subsurface waters, problems associated with the development of water resources in Wisconsin and the U.S., and the application of chemistry to geologic problems.

Rooted in experiential learning, 地质系致力于在你毕业前为你提供真实世界的经验. 在西德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州进行的为期三周的实地课程将向你介绍地质测绘技术, 包括在轻度变形的沉积岩和火山岩中绘制地质图和剖面. You'll also have countless opportunities to work alongside our talented professors, conducting experiments and participating in geological field research.

澳门葡京网赌送彩金的水文地质和水化学重点课程的毕业生继续追求各种有价值的职业. 从帮助城市开发新的供水井,到弄清楚如何最好地清理受污染的地下水,再到评估新矿井对水质的潜在影响, the paths this degree will take you are endless. 

雅各布·埃里克森(雅各布·埃里克森)从小学起就知道,他想在大学里学习地质学. As he prepares to graduate, 他说他在威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的地质学教授给他的大学经历超出了他本来就很高的期望.

Choosing a path that rocks

Fascinated by rocks and their sedimentary history since he was a child, 雅各布·埃里克森 has always been interested in the natural sciences. And after arriving at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金, 他发现了无限的可能性,找到了自己的位置,并感到得到了非凡的教师的支持. 

“这个系以拥有全校乃至全美国最大的师生研究经验而闻名.S.”雅各说。. “我与地质系教师的联系是我第一次来到澳门葡京网赌送彩金时从未预料到的, but it has changed my life for the best."


Why geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis at UW-Eau克莱尔?

State-of-the-art instrumentation and facilities. The geology department at UW-Eau克莱尔, along with the Materials Science and Engineering Center, 拥有最先进的分析设备,这在本科院校很少发现. With nearly 100 unique pieces of high-tech instrumentation, 在这里, you can analyze your field samples right on campus. 从分析地球化学设备到矿物学和岩石学设备,再到该领域使用的最新软件,我们应有尽有.

获得实习机会. Our geology students have unparalleled internship opportunities, 这在很大程度上要归功于我们通过“责任采矿倡议”(RMI)赠款建立的罕见的行业伙伴关系. 这些联系使我们的学生在该地区的几家行业领导者中拥有巨大的招聘优势.

Field research opportunities. 学生与教师的合作研究是威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校所有地质学项目的标志. 教师会定期鼓励你参与他们最新的研究项目,或者鼓励你自己开始. 在这里, 我们的教授致力于这样一种哲学:通过做科学来学习科学是最好的. Past projects have brought students to places like southwestern Montana, 缅因州, Ontario and the Swiss Alps.

各种选修课. Study soils found within our environment, inorganic chemistry or river processes and the landforms that result from them. More than 20 credits come from classes chosen by you. 这种个性化的方法可以让你发现更多的兴趣和激情,并让你有机会从多个部门和教职员工那里学习. 

大自然近在咫尺. Our campus’ physical location provides nature right at your fingertips. Bordered by a nature preserve known as Putnam Park, UW-Eau克莱尔 has over 230 acres of terrain perfect for studying soils. The Chippewa River and Little Niagara Creek flow right through our lower campus, and Big Falls County Park is just 12 miles away.

地质 scholarship opportunities. 对地质学专业感兴趣的一年级学生可以申请布鲁戈尔德新生地质学奖学金. 两份1美元的奖学金,每年有000人获奖, 感谢威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的地质学校友,他们有兴趣支持下一代的Blugold地质学家.


acres of natural area right on campus


field course in West Texas and New Mexico


or continuing education after graduation

2021-2022 Graduate Report


地质 - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis program details
  • Program length: four years
  • 提供:亲自
  • 校园:欧克莱尔
  • This major does not require a minor.
  • 主修该课程的学生可以选择文学学士(BA)或理学学士(BS)学位.
  • 地质俱乐部
  • 女性 & STEM中的少数性别群体


地质学-水文地质学和水化学重点课程是为了满足水文地质学研究生课程的入学要求而设计的, geochemistry and 环境地质. 毕业生也配备了知识和技能,立即进入该领域的地质学家和水文地质学家/水文学家.

Specialists in hydrogeology commonly work in environmental consulting firms, 监管机构,如DNR,以及寻求遵守环境法规的私营公司. And these jobs are in demand. 水文地质 studies are quickly becoming fundamental to environmental science, 尤其是在一个越来越注重保护和可持续发展的世界里.

W在这里 are geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis alumni now?

The geology program 在这里 at 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 is fantastic in many ways. 该系以拥有该校最大的师生研究经验之一而闻名,并以其在地质学经验中帮助学生获得实习机会的能力而闻名, often landing them full-time positions immediately after their undergrad.

雅各布·埃里克森 地质 - 水文地质 and Water 化学 Emphasis

地质 - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis bachelor's degree program curriculum

Throughout the hydrogeology and water chemistry program, you will study the occurrence, 利用和移动地表沉积物和地下水,努力保护宝贵的水资源. 严格的实地项目将传统的地质领域技能与现代技术和计算科学相结合, 让你深入了解你可以在这个领域做什么,以及你需要什么技能. 

What classes do geology - hydrogeology and water chemistry emphasis majors take?

Your classes may cover topics like: 

了解更多有关 综合地质学- 澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中的水文地质学和水化学重点专业.


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Related programs at UW-Eau克莱尔

Thinking about a bachelor’s degree in geology? 在这里 are other programs you may be interested in exploring.


Photo of 地质 students hiking

地质 and 环境科学

Phillips Science Hall 157
欧克莱尔, WI 54701
访问 the 地质 and 环境科学 department website